The Liberty Brigade - Graphic Novel - 100+ pages of action!!
Created by Michael Finn
A WW II story featuring Golden Age heroes/villains of the 1940s by Ron Frenz, Barry Kitson, Michael Finn & Mark Waid (editor)
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Golden Age Encyclopedia Project
over 6 years ago
– Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 04:19:38 PM
Hi Liberty Brigade Fans --
tomorrow, we will have a big update with some new art rewards on our kickstarter page -- please support us as we try to get to the K The Unknown character --
While you wait, please help our good friends at Temporal Comics as they work on their Kickstarter for the Heroes of the Golden Age - I love their project - please help
Second Stretch Reward Met
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Oct 09, 2018 at 07:23:58 PM
Thank you Everyone as we have now hit the second goal which is the addition of an origin page featuring THE TRIPLE TERROR. I am thrilled that we are going to be adding that.
Next up, if we can hit $25,000 is a 4-page story for a new "K the Unknown" -- this hero showed up for a single Golden Age issue before becoming THE OWL. Well, we have a new "K the Unknown" and we have a great origin story for the character.
In the meantime, here is another teaser from the graphic novel featuring The Bill of Rights and The National Anthem by Mark Buckingham. And, yes, they are taking on The Jester and Satana.
The Bill of Rights and The National Anthem
$25K Stretch Goal Met - And Something To Check Out
over 6 years ago
– Tue, Oct 09, 2018 at 07:19:41 PM
First, wow, what can I say to you all but THANK YOU - we've hit the $25,000 stretch goal and there will be an additional story featuring a brand new K THE UNKNOWN in the graphic novel. I think you will love the story and the way it ties into the Golden Age.
Also, something for you all to check out -- our friends over at Iron Wind Metals/Ral Partha have a super kickstarter running right now -- you can find the link here:
There has always been a lot of cross over between comic readers, miniature collectors and wargamers. I loved Dungeons and Dragons and I always thought the Ral Partha figures were the very best of all. I still have several boxes of figure, each of which was lovingly hand-painted. This is an amazing Kickstarter and there are over three new Army groups available including Chaos, Dryads and Fae. The detail in these sculpts is truly outstanding and I would encourage anyone interested to click on the link. I rarely ever cross-promote but this is a heck of a product.
As for The Liberty Brigade, I'm completely focused there and we've got a ton of awards coming up. Later tonight or tomorrow afternoon as we are barreling away on getting them ready for posting. Lots of new published art of Golden Age characters.
First Stretch Reward Met
over 6 years ago
– Mon, Oct 01, 2018 at 04:22:17 PM
Hooray, we FUNDED and we've already hit the first stretch goal which is inclusion of a stellar pin-up by Rick Maygar featuring Yankee Doodle Jones fighting the Singing Skull, two great 1940s characters. Thank you to everyone.
Next up as a stretch goal in another 1 page origin - The Triple Terror and we will be adding that at $20,000. I really hope we are able to hit that because at $25,000, we are going to get a brand new 4-page story featuring "K the Unknown" a golden age name taken by a brand new character. Tell your friends as I think the K story which has art by Garrie Gastonny of our #0 issue is simply out of this world.