The Liberty Brigade - Graphic Novel - 100+ pages of action!!
Created by Michael Finn
A WW II story featuring Golden Age heroes/villains of the 1940s by Ron Frenz, Barry Kitson, Michael Finn & Mark Waid (editor)
Latest Updates from Our Project:
January Status
about 4 years ago
– Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 06:15:36 AM
The books have arrived (#0, Sourcebook, Heroes Files, Villains Files and the Free print for all of you for being so patient -- see) photo.
AND, we are on the last page of the first of the TWO free books for being so darn patient -- The Liberty Brigade: The Lost Scenes. The cover is below (changed from Director's Cut) and so is the work in progress on the last page. We plan to get the page colored and lettered, proofed and off to the printer in February.
And here is the inked opening page from the second free book, THE COMING OF THE LIBERTY BRIGADE with art by Mike Lilly - yes, you can't see much from it as it is a bit of a surprise story. Mike is wrapping up the last page of the book and then the cover. This too will be colored, lettered and proofed and probably hit the printer in the first/second week of March.
And here is part of the last page of this book from Mike - The American Eagle v. Nazi Mephisto -
Which leaves the graphic novel -- we are 2/3 through lettering and should get that off to the printer after we have the two free books done for all of you - thank you again for your patience -- these two free books are terrific and I know you will all be thrilled.
For those who are upset, I apologize again, note that we have added a free print, two free comic books and numerous pages to the graphic novel -- it will all be ready soon.
Brief Update!
about 4 years ago
– Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 11:34:22 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Happy Holidays and Xmas Gift
about 4 years ago
– Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 08:33:11 PM
.....I know we are the latest project on Earth but please know we are working very hard to wrap it all up. Several of you have asked about whether we were doing anything special for all of you for all of your patience and the answer is a resounding yes -- I am happy to be able to announce the following two books which are going to be printed in a 1,000 issue print run and never reprinted in this particular format again. This will be delivered free to all of you that ordered the graphic novel and digitally to those who were digital only.
FIRST - The Liberty Brigade: The DIrector's Cut - this has a several scenes we wanted to have in the main story and just couldnt' fit in so we had DC/Marvel artist Geraldo Borges do them anyway and we wrote in the text that we would have used. This will never be reprinted again in this format as a stand-alone book. It is just a THANK YOU for all of you who stuck with us!
Second, we have a second book as well THE COMING OF THE LIBERTY BRIGADE and we'll show off art for that right after the New Year. Again, it will NOT be reprinted as as stand-alone comic and is a thank you for all of your patience.
Thank you for sticking with us, thank you for understanding how hard we are working to make this great and thank you for your patience -- it is so very appreciated -- back to finishing the main book. For those who want to know, every single page is penciled, inked and colored. We've been working on patch panels here and there and finishing the dialogue/lettering -- back soon.
Below - The Liberty Brigade: The Director's Cut - a sampling of the pages as our thank you to all of you! The book is free to you guys and we will have it at the printer shortly...
Happy Thanksgiving update
about 4 years ago
– Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 03:11:24 PM
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
In our last update, we noted that our order for everything but the GN was at Ka-Blam. We are happy to report printing is nearly done on everything (but the graphic novel) and shipping back to us should start in the next 10 days or so. I'll post a picture of the boxes once they arrive.
The graphic novel -- 100% penciled, inked and colored. Edits to the dialogue are underway and so are color corrections and a new patch panel here and there. Everything looks good.
Last time, we showed a special page of art from Geraldo Borges which is part of a "thank you" for all of your IMMENSE patience. Here is a page from Mike Lilly as well. We'll explain what the thank you is in our next update.
Blue Flame v Blitz Konig
Quick Update
about 4 years ago
– Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 04:16:02 PM
We are PRINTING -- Darrin has put in the order for all the ancillary books and the mini prints at Ka-Blam and we should have those in a few weeks -- that is the #0 (we need a few extras), the Villains origin book, the Heroes origin book and the Sourcefile book. Our house will be filled with boxes of these books as we finish the graphic novel which is humming along as we dialogue, color correct and move to finalize it.
Thanking everyone AGAIN for your continued patience, it turns out that Marvel/DC artist Geraldo Borges had a little free time and we put together a very small thank you that will exist only for our backers -- a b&w preview page is below. More on the entire "thank you" in our next update.
Vagabond Prince v. Funnyman (Bailey Publishing version) by Geraldo Borges
And, here is a gorgeous cover piece from an upcoming story by JG Jones (we haven't written it yet as we are focused only on finishing this issue but feast your eyes on Valkyrie, Lady Satan and the Black Angel who are clearly going to have some issues with Misery and the Claw.