The Liberty Brigade - Graphic Novel - 100+ pages of action!!
Created by Michael Finn
A WW II story featuring Golden Age heroes/villains of the 1940s by Ron Frenz, Barry Kitson, Michael Finn & Mark Waid (editor)
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Quick Update
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 11:48:50 PM
Everything is on track for shipping in December - we have reserved our dates in December with Newkadia so their crew is ready for the packing/shipping (they can do several hundred per day) and we await the copies of the Villains Origins and Source Book. Heroes book is finalizing and should start proofing soon and the graphic novel over 100 pages alone is moving nicely to completion.
Here is the free print that everyone will receive for your patience -- it is by Barry Kitson and is an an Homage to World's Finest Comics #5 (DC March 1942) --
Proofs are in
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 03:36:02 PM
We tried to upload on Saturday but couldn't get the pix but, great news, the proofs came in for the Villains book and for the Sourcebook. With our editors, we did 2 rounds of proofing and these two books are now headed for the printer for the final print runs.
Our recalcitrant artist on the heroes book has nearly finished and is on the last panel so we ought to have that book at the printers by the end of August and then 100+ page graphic novel will then get wrapped up in Q3 and we'll print that and ship in Q4 2020. We have 100% certainty on this.
Thank you all for your continued patience as we deliver over 200+ pages of material to you.
Quick update
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Jul 12, 2020 at 05:36:29 PM
We should have the Sourcefile and Villains origins back from the printer this week for proofing - we received the notice the proof copies are on the way!!!
Chris Ivy is making color corrections to the Heroes book while super Mark Waid is editing the dialogue and our tardy artist is now working double-time as we listened to you all and said he would be replaced. Should have pages tomorrow from the artist.
Graphic Novel - we are dialoguing every free minute as we move to finish the book. Barry and Mick are adding 4 extra pages at no cost and it won't result in a single delay as their pages will likely be done before we have finished laying down all the dialogue. Barry's thumbnails are below at the end of this update.
And, last, Darrin is pushing to get the free poster ready for print as well - we hope to get that off to the printer in the next 10 days or less! If all goes according to plan, we hope to have the Heroes book off to the printer by the end of the month as well
Thank you for sticking with us and for your patience - next update will show off the proof copies of the Villain's book and the Sourcefiles.
Happy Independence Day
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Jul 04, 2020 at 10:33:24 PM
Here is a great piece of art by Agnes Garbowska from National Anthem #1 --
Agnes Garbowska
Quick Update - we await proof copies from our printer for the Villains book and the Sourcebook - still chasing a single artist on the Heroes book and dialogue continues on the 100+ page graphic novel -- we just came across something so incredible that we asked Barry Kitson and Mick if they can add a few pages to the book without altering the schedule and they said YES -- we'll let you know what we are adding in the next update but for fans of Golden Age characters, we think it is a real treat.
Happy 4th of July to everyone and Stay Safe --
Minor revisions and some art
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 06:51:16 AM
We are working on some coloring fixes to the Heroes book and still chasing one artist but otherwise it is now off to the editor for any text revisions -- thought we'd show off a page from the National Anthem comic as well -- dialogue continues on the graphic novel -- Tom Morgan drew this and did a great job -- do you know who the Hero is? And, the villain is "blacked out" as we'd like it to remain a mystery until publication.