over 4 years ago
– Mon, Jun 08, 2020 at 06:09:39 PM
As Barry Kitson has finished his pages on the graphic novel and we now turn our attention to dialoguing the interiors, edits and other logistic matters, Barry was kind enough to pencil and ink this homage to World's Finest Comics #5 (DC Comics March 1942) which we will be providing as a mini-poster to all of our Kickstarter supporters as a special THANK YOU for your continued patience.
Our logistics team is getting ready to print additional copies of our #0, the Villain's Origin book and the Sourcebook as those are ready for the printer. The Heroes book awaits 4 pages (still) and is otherwise off to the editing phase which should take 1-3 weeks as we do everything in our power to get the words right, eliminate typos, confirm colors, etc.
Of course, the final mini-poster will be colored --
Dialoguing Pages
over 4 years ago
– Sat, May 23, 2020 at 08:59:57 PM
Thank you for supporting our book - busy dialoguing pages all weekend --- just 5 pages left to go in the Heroes book and every single page of this project will be in the can - we are busy dialoguing, proofing, checking colors, etc.
Thought we would show off a neat little double-page splash from the book with a LOT of action --
Who can name all the characters?
Quick Update - Nearly completed cover for the Heroes' Origin Book
over 4 years ago
– Sat, May 16, 2020 at 08:38:18 PM
We are still tinkering with the colors but here is the cover by Chris Malgrain --
Starting to Print
over 4 years ago
– Fri, May 15, 2020 at 12:57:49 AM
Ok - we are doing a quick little indiegogo campaign as we move the books to the printer so we can get our print runs ready -- the zero isssue is printed but we may need some more (good news) and we'll be sending the Villains book and Sourcebook out to the printer shortly. We are 5 pages away from completing the Heroes book and we now have every single page penciled and inked on the graphic novel. The last few pages are being colored and we are just starting to proof-read the lettered pages while we finish dialoguing pages -- and AS ALWAYS, a major THANK YOU for your patience with everyone as we have worked triple time to get this done for all of you.
Here is the first page of the graphic novel --
Latest update
almost 5 years ago
– Sun, May 10, 2020 at 02:27:48 AM
Work continues apace as we are now dialoguing/lettering the graphic novel and proofing the Heroes' Origins book -- thank you again for all of your patience -- here is another peek at two of the pages from the Heroe's origins book -- Mekano by Garry Leach and Magician from Mars, also by Garry.