
The Liberty Brigade - Graphic Novel - 100+ pages of action!!

Created by Michael Finn

A WW II story featuring Golden Age heroes/villains of the 1940s by Ron Frenz, Barry Kitson, Michael Finn & Mark Waid (editor)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 4 years ago – Fri, May 01, 2020 at 02:14:01 AM

Here is a Ben Harvey page from the National Anthem comic that is free .pdf for all the original backers who have been so patient.  The corona is slowing things down among collaborators as it takes longer but we are moving closer to wrapping up the heroes book and are focused on editing that and getting the dialogue/lettering done on the graphic novel.   As always, thank you for your patience and we hope you will be thrilled -- 

Sourcebook is DONE!!!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 02:23:39 PM

As always, thank you and thank you again for giving us the time to get this right.  We are proud to say that the Sourcebook is now complete and we hope to get it out digitally starting next week to backers.  

Barry Kitson - The Liberty Brigade Sourcebook Cover

Latest update
almost 5 years ago – Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 09:52:29 PM

Despite corona, we are doing are third round of proof-reading on the Sourcebook and I expect it all done this week and then we will get the digital version out to backers.  Good news there.

Barry and Mick have just finished this splash from the Liberty Brigade Graphic Novel featuring the Woman of America - hope you like it --  thank you for your patience and please STAY SAFE

Women of America - see below

Sourcebook - final proofing last
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 03:14:10 AM

As you can see, we have all the pages in on the sourcebook and are doing our final readthrough - hope to have the digital version out to backers next week -- 

Liberty Brigade Sourcebook

And, hot on the heels of the Sourcebook, we are working hard to finalize the Heroes Origin book -- still chasing one artist -- most of the book is laid out and lettered -- and the news you want to hear about, the 100 page graphic novel - 3 pages of art left and then dialoguing/lettering/etc.  We are moving forward on getting everything done - thank you for your patience!!!!!!

almost 5 years ago – Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 09:57:29 PM

The Encyclopedia is being laid out as we are in "editing mode" and Darrin is busy formatting each page before we do one last round of edits.  Barry and Mick Gray have completed another of the big splashes for The Liberty Brigade -- and I hope this will take people's minds off everything going on in the least for a minute or two...

And here is Barry's work on the next DPS

And Garry Leach is finishing up the Heroes' origins -- here is part 1 of Magician from Mars with colors by Chris Ivy  

As always, thank you for your immense, immense patience....