The Liberty Brigade - Graphic Novel - 100+ pages of action!!
Created by Michael Finn
A WW II story featuring Golden Age heroes/villains of the 1940s by Ron Frenz, Barry Kitson, Michael Finn & Mark Waid (editor)
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Mini Update
almost 5 years ago
– Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 02:54:56 AM
Things are rolling along as we move to wrap up the Encyclopedia and the Hero's Origin book and put all our energy into wrapping up the 100 page graphic novel.
First up, the Chris Weston art rewards -- Chris has been awfully busy these days with Hollywood and comic work but he hit home runs with both of these pieces -- hope the backers agree:
Next up - Garry Leach is finishing his ORIGIN of the Magician from Mars and channeling Mac Raboy so I thought people might like to see a panel of Garry's amazing work --
Bit of a bummer but somehow the cover to our Hero's book was destroyed by water -- as best we can tell, it was opened by customs somewhere on its way from France and repacked badly - not to worry, the artist is re-doing the cover and we are having it shipped to a European friend who will get it to us -- we don't expect any delay.
I'm meeting in person with Mark Waid next week and expect to get editors notes on 1/5 of the book so we are driving to wrap it all up in March and then get into editing/reviews/lettering and checking/double-checking as we move to the printer.
Request for help - any of you who received/purchased the Villains's origins - please let us know if you find any typos, etc. We have heard of 1 error so far which we fixed but please let us know.
And, as always, THANK YOU the Backers for hanging on with us --
The Villain Files Digital is now sent out to backers!
almost 5 years ago
– Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 01:29:00 AM
Hi All,
Thanks for the patience as we had a slight hiccup in getting The Liberty Brigade - The Villain Files DIGITAL out to those of you who purchased it.
You should get your link to the digital download today. If for any reason you don't get it, please send us a Direct Message and we will look into it.
The PHYSICAL copy, if purchased, will ship along with the other books later this year.
The Villains Book - Update
almost 5 years ago
– Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 01:54:32 AM
Yes - Darrin is having some trouble with Backerkit and we are struggling with it as we can't figure out why we cannot get the .pdf out to our buyers. If we don't solve this by Monday, we will find an alternative way and get them out to you.
People ask for a shipping date -- I'm reluctant to give one because we have slipped behind each time I give one so I will make this promise - it will ship by June 30th. The end. I hope it ships before that but I've built in lead time and time for problems and everything else so we will have it out the door to everyone by that date. And, before folks get mad, we really do hope it is sooner but want a date that we hit. And we will.
Thank you for sticking with us and thank you for believing in us. You will receive over 200 pages of material PLUS the free .pdf of National Anthem's scrapbook -- again, we are very sorry for the delays and are doing all we can to make a great book for everyone..
The Liberty Brigade Villain Files
almost 5 years ago
– Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 11:49:10 PM
Hi Folks,
We know you have all been very patient with us as we put The Liberty Brigade Graphic Novel together. Please know we are continually working on pages, colors and edits to make sure it is top-notch.
That said, we DO HAVE something for you today!
Shortly you will receive an email from Backerkit where you can download The Liberty Brigade Villain Files. Written by Michael Finn with a host of incredible talent including but not limited to Garrie Gastonny, Joe Rubinstein, Ron Lim and Mark Waid. I think you will love this book.
almost 5 years ago
– Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 11:49:07 PM
That last update was supposed to go out to only backers who purchased the Villains book.
If you would like to have it and didn't get it during the campaign, you can still order it through Backerkit.