The Liberty Brigade - Graphic Novel - 100+ pages of action!!
Created by Michael Finn
A WW II story featuring Golden Age heroes/villains of the 1940s by Ron Frenz, Barry Kitson, Michael Finn & Mark Waid (editor)
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Kickstarter - Heroes of the Golden Age #4
about 5 years ago
– Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 11:02:17 PM
Our good friends at Temporal Comics are back with another Kickstarter for their fourth issue of Heroes of the Golden Age; a reference guide to heroes of the golden age. This issue features twenty-four new profiles and all new art by Chris Malgrain.
We can't recommend this series enough and with each successful campaign means we will get MORE issues! So please consider pledging.
Next Up - The Encyclopedia
about 5 years ago
– Sat, Nov 09, 2019 at 10:57:21 PM
Finishing touches on the encyclopedia are coming together right now -- here is some art from it...
and a pin-up of AIR MALE by Mike Perkins from Anthem #1
and another panel from the Girls Night Out Story
And a panel rough from Barry Kitson's latest page
And a sneak peak at one of the Hero Origins -- this is from the illustrious Garry Leach himself
And the Cover to Anthem #1 which is free as a .pdf
More art - we are on the way
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 06:04:34 PM
Thank you again for all your support - we have just received the last page of the Villains origin book (one of the new, extra pages) and it is by the wonderful Mike McKone featuring The Golden Age Porcupine -- here is a tiny panel from the story. We should have the high resolution version today, off to our letteror and colorist and then we'll package up the .pdf as we also ready the files for the printer for this book.
And, the Maestro, Barry Kitson stopped by the publishing house and here we have a photo of him hard at work on the next page of The Liberty Brigade - an amazing fight scene featuring dozens of Golden Age characters.
Barry Kitson hard at work
Working on The Liberty Brigade
The final (extra drawings) for our encylopedia have been received in pencil and are being inked and then off to the colorist so that too should be wrapping up very very soon. Here is a panel from artist Thiago Carvalho -- hope you like it...
We would like to recommend --
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Oct 26, 2019 at 01:16:48 PM
We hope you all enjoyed the Liberty Brigade Issue #0. We are still in the process of putting the books together and will update you soon on the status of each book.
In the meantime, we would like to inform you of a great Indiegogo campaign right now by our friend James Calafiore whose various work includes VALIANT books, Deadpool, Black Panther and the BAT-books, to name a few.
His career as an actor..... Well, to call it "struggling" is generous.
His girlfriend has begun to bring up the dreaded subjects of marriage and kids. (He's settled on the tried and true tactics of deflection and feigned hysterical deafness.)
His brother has just died. Yeah, he was an ass, but still, y'know, family.
And then there's the fact that he's lost his mind. At least Ned hopes he's lost his mind. What else could explain the hallucinations? This morning, on the streets of Manhattan, he started seeing creatures. Monsters; Grotesqueries; Demons; shambling, crawling or oozing along with the usual NYC sidewalk crowd. No one seems to notice them. But he sees them.
And they see him.
Funding NOW on Indiegogo with ONLY 5 days left.
TNC Team
The Liberty Brigade #0
over 5 years ago
– Sun, Oct 20, 2019 at 03:11:09 AM
Hi Folks,
While we wait for a few of the books to be completed (we are working hard to get them finished), we thought you'd like to see some Liberty Brigade right now.
An email from BackerKit with a download to The Liberty Brigade Zero Issue will be coming to your inbox today.
Written with passion by Michael Finn with extraordinary art by Garrie Gastonny and dynamically inked by Joe Rubinstein with a phenomenal cover by Barry Kitson, we begin the tale of The Liberty Brigade. You'll be reintroduced to some classic public domain heroes like the Blue Flame, Green Turtle, Mad Hatter, Cat-Man and more plus a few new heroes National Anthem, Bill of Rights and Mr. Freedom. That's not all as you will also see sample entries from the reference guide to the Heroes of the Liberty Brigade.
We thank you for your patience as we get this exciting Graphic Novel together. You won't be disappointed.